The Chamber of Independent Power Producers, Distributors and Bulk Consumers (CIPDiB), is a private initiative aimed at uniting and acting as the voice of Independent Power Producers, Distributors and Bulk Consumers of electricity. We present a brief history of Independent Power Producers (IPPs), Distributors and Bulk Consumers below.
The participation of independent power producers (IPPs) in Ghana has continued to grow since the thermal Takoradi Power Station was first built in Aboadze in 2004. Indeed, IPPs have surpassed public power generation in terms of capacity. As of October 2019, the power capacity that is provided by IPPs and non-state-run power plants in Ghana stands at more than 60% of Ghana’s installed capacity. Ghana has the fourth-highest capacity generated by IPPs and ranks third in terms of investment, after South Africa, Kenya and Nigeria, with both metrics growing.
In total, there are nine IPPs providing electricity, including the 400-MW Bui Dam, seven thermal plants with installed capacity of 1505 MW, and the 20-MW solar plant completed by BXC Ghana. Investments by IPPs is likely to continue as additional projects come on-line and policies encourage the engagement of private energy players.
Given the 2030 goal of providing universal electricity access, and its commitment to limit reliance on inefficient fossil fuels and diesel generators, there will be ongoing opportunities for commercial involvement in the sector. While public funding has been the largest source of finance for expanded power generation capacity in the past, the continued approval of large-scale IPPs and the growing demand for energy bodes well for private companies looking to engage.
CIPDiB Ghana was formed to bring all IPPs together to influence public policy, drive investments in power generation and to share best practices in the sector.
CIPDiB members undertake CSR Initiatives that impact communities and transforms lives. We share some of the most amazing and transforming stories here